Lee Minetree earned his degree at Washington and Lee University and then joined forces with his father to produce PBS documentaries, work that took him all over the world. He returned to East Hampton to start his real estate career in 1985. He has a wife and three children and has enjoyed a rich family life on the East End.
An avid sportsman and former coach, Lee was a fierce competitor on the football and rugby fields but now prefers the links and plays many of the Hamptons' best golf courses. Minetree was a founding partner in 1993 of The Independent newspaper, which deepened his connections to the local business community and gave him a unique understanding of the Hamptons marketplace. He eventually sold his interest in the paper and was approached by Saunders & Associates, where he became one of the first brokers to join the firm in 2008.
Trusted as a confidant, Lee has an ongoing relationship with property owners as well as buyers, understanding the discretionary nature of selling, leasing or buying space with an ongoing business. His expertise on the inventory as well as zoning regulations makes him a key ally in commercial and residential transactions.